
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Barb's Birthday Part Two.

If you missed the first to posts related to this weekend you can catch up by clicking on the links below.
Nick, his sisters and his dad put together a beautiful presentation called “Sixty Facts with Flowers of Yellow for Your Years of Giving”. They purchased sixty yellow carnations and each answered a series of questions and stories relating to Barb. After each one was read, one of Barb’s grandsons would go and put a single carnation into a vase. By the end we got to learn a lot more about Barb and she had a beautiful bouquet of sixty yellow carnations.
After that she opened her cards and her final gift from us.
It is a pin with the birthstones of her children and grandchildren. I just love this idea, it is so unique!
Once the cards were read and Barb opened her gift, the rest of the night consisted of devouring yummy cake, with a lot of conversation, laughing and just enjoying each other’s company.
I am so happy with how perfect Barb’s birthday turned out and I am even more thankful that we were able to be there to celebrate with her. She is such an incredible woman and we are all very lucky to have her in our lives.
Happy Birthday Barb!


  1. Well done, Beth. You captured the evening very well. What a wonderful means to relive that special day. Gina

  2. Thank you for posting this's awesome!!! This day couldn't have been more perfect. I love you all so much!!!:-)
