Friday, April 25, 2014

Horses on Television.

Happy Friday everybody!
I thought I'd stop in before we get this lovely weekend going and update my horse loving friends on some great TV finds that I have recently came across. I remember being a kid, new to riding and I jumped with joy when I found any type of horse show on TV - Does anyone remember Horse Power: Road to the Maclay? They should really do another reality show like this!
Anyways, I was interested to see what kind of equestrian shows are on TV now. So I searched my guide and was please to find a lot of choices. My cable company is Bright House Networks and we have the sports package (I don't know if you need to have this to be able to watch them). A lot of the shows are on channel 229 - FAMNET, there are also some on 205 - UNISP, 226 - BLUE and one in HD on 1120 - FAMNET. I was a little disappointed that almost all of them are not in HD but I guess I can live with it!
As you will see below, there are a surprising number of equestrian shows out there and I haven't had the time to really sit down and watch more than two episodes so I will write a later post with my reviews.
Here is a break down of the shows and what channel they are on.
FAMNET - 229
Chris Cox Horsemanship
Dennis Reis Universal Horsemanship
All Around Performance Horse
The Horse Show
Down Under Horsemanship
Advantage Horsemanship
Horsing Around New Zealand
Horse Master with Julie Goodnight
Horse Country USA
Equestrian Nation
UNISP - 205
FEI Equestrian World
BLUE - 226
Ed Dabney Gentle Horsemanship
Richard Winters Horsemanship
Lynn Palm Horsemanship
FAMNET HD - 1120
Parelli Natural Horsemanship
So that's the list. I need almost an entire day to sit and watch all of the episodes that are already clogging up my DVR. It's pretty crazy how many equestrian show are available and I'm loving it!
I hope you guys get to enjoy these shows too and let me know if I missed any!
We're heading out to EPCOT now - when you're given free passes and it's your last year living in Florida, you go to Disney! Have a wonderful weekend Everyone! 

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